best way to align words?

Robert R. rald86 at
Thu Nov 30 17:23:11 EST 2006


i would like to write a piece of code to help me to align some sequence
of words and suggest me the ordered common subwords of them

s0 = "this is an example of a thing i would like to have".split()
s1 = "another example of something else i would like to have".split()
s2 = 'and this is another " example " but of something ; now i would
still like to have'.split()
alist = (s0, s1, s2)

result should be : ('example', 'of', 'i', 'would', 'like', 'to', 'have'

but i do not know how should i start, may be have you a helpful
a trouble i have if when having many different strings my results tend
to be nothing while i still would like to have one of the, or maybe,
all the best matches.


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