Abelson and Python

bearophileHUGS at lycos.com bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Wed Nov 22 19:20:47 EST 2006

mensanator at aol.com:
> No surprise to anyone who's ever tried to use MIT Scheme.

Be careful, such assertions are often flamebait.

I am using DrPython (I think they were using it at MIT too lately), and
it is very very good IDE, it produces executables on the fly, it has a
visual debugger with some nice graphical things, it manages graphics,
and it has something that I have never seen in Python: it manages a
hierarchy of simpler Scheme languages, useful to learn for students.
Probably something similar may be useful to learn Python too (such
stripped down Python versions can forbid things like  def foo(x=[]):
...). I am appreciating Scheme a bit because of such very good editor
that makes things possible for newbies of the language too.


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