About alternatives to Matlab

Maarten van Reeuwijk maarten at remove_this_ws.tn.tudelft.nl
Fri Nov 17 19:15:48 EST 2006

sturlamolden wrote:

> Sorry Mathworks, I have used your product for years, but you cannot
> compete with NumPy.

Funny. I went exactly the other way. Had a full OO postprocessing library
for Python/Scipy/HDF etc which worked brilliantly. Then changed to a 64 bit
machine and spent three days trying to install all the additional libraries
that I had become dependent on over the year. In the end, I gave up
completely frustrated (something to do with a Fortran compiler in
combination with SciPy or something). Then I tried MATLAB  and was
completely delighted that there was a program with all MY batteries
included :-).

BTW, I have the impression that MATLAB and SciPy have about the same

Cheers, Maarten
Maarten van Reeuwijk                    dept. of Multiscale Physics
Phd student                             Faculty of Applied Sciences
maarten.vanreeuwijk.net              Delft University of Technology

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