Pimping the 'cgi' module

Thomas Guettler guettli.usenet at thomas-guettler.de
Fri Nov 24 10:36:48 EST 2006

Christoph Haas wrote:
> Oh, yeah. I just joined the Web SIG and found out that WSGI
> seems the way
> to go.

I don't want a standard, i want *one* implementation. In the
Java world, there are a lot of standards and N*standards 
implementations. In the end you have the opposite of what
a standard should give you: Bad interopability.

One implemantation (which is in the standard library) would
be the right coice. But what could I do? (I am not a python
core developer)? I could only create a new web framework.
And that's why there are so many.

I hope Guido (or someone else who can do this) will decide to choose one


Thomas Güttler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/ http://www.tbz-pariv.de/
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de
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