A python IDE for teaching that supports cyrillic i/o

Kirill Simonov xi at gamma.dn.ua
Sun Nov 19 09:17:57 EST 2006

On Sun, Nov 19, 2006 at 03:27:32AM -0800, Leo Kislov wrote:
> IDLE on Windows works fine for your example in interactive console:
> >>> name = raw_input("What's your name? ")

Have you tried to use cyrillic characters in a Python string in
interactive console? When I do it, I get the "Unsupported characters in
input" error. For instance,

>>> print "Привет"  # That's "Hi" in Russian.
Unsupported characters in input


> And another question: are you aware of the fact that recommended way to
> handle non-ascii characters is to use unicode type? Most of IDEs should
> work fine with unicode. 

Usually using unicode type gives you much more headache than benefits
unless you are careful enough to never mix unicode and str objects.

Anyway, I just want the interactive console of an IDE to behave like a
real Python console under a UTF-8 terminal (with sys.stdout.encoding ==


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