PyPotrace Version 1.0 released on Sourceforge!!!

The Eternal Squire eternalsquire at
Mon Nov 6 21:55:02 EST 2006


This is to let you know that I have designed, tested, and released a
simple wrapper around Peter Selig's Potrace raster to vector conversion

This is the same conversion engine as is used in Inkscape.   This
wrapper incorporates the Potrace code so that a separate dll for
Potrace is unnecessary, simply drop the distribution
directory under /Lib/site-packages and away you go!!!

The Potrace application normally creates an SVG or other file format
related vector file.
This wrapper simply generates a list of curves, where each curve is a
list of move, line,
and cubic bezier control points...    This is great for those building
thier own 2D and 3D
visualization projects.

It works very nicely, and can be found in Sourceforge under or by searching Sourceforge
using the PyPotrace project name.

If you want to see The Eternal Squire write more wrongs and perform
backslashbuckling deeds of an heroic nature, please consider donating
one of his projects on SourceForge!!!


The Eternal Squire

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