Detecting recursion loops

Bytter bytter at
Wed Nov 29 12:58:28 EST 2006


I hope you are not trying to find infinite loops and I simply
misunderstood your question. Because if you are, then forget it (Turing
anyone?)... Infinite loops are impossible to find (minus some few, very
specific situations).



Hugo Ferreira

P.S. Hmmm... It seems I really read it wrong since you define that you
want to stop "(after N passes or some complex criteria)". Anyway I
leave the warning for future generations :)

> My code does recursion loops through a couple of functions. Due to problematic I/O input this leads sometimes to "endless" recursions and after expensive I/O to the Python recursion exception.
> What would be a good method to detect recursion loops and stop it by user-Exception (after N passes or some complex criteria) without passing a recursion counter parameter through all the funcs?
> Robert

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