Can not download plugins for jEdit (help!!)

Ant antroy at
Thu Nov 9 08:16:15 EST 2006

> Vim, it can handle all the things.

I'm not convinced of that quite yet. jEdit's syntax highlighting seems
more robust (see in the standard library for an example
- vim gets the highlighting of the first doc-comment wrong). I've also
not found anything like jEdit's Console plugin for vim. It's
interactive. You can run the current buffer in the console window. The
console interacts with an error reporting pane which allows you to
click on the error and it will take you to the appropriate line in the
code that the stack trace indicates.

The only thing I have found for vim (and it is specific to running
Python code) is the runscript.vim plugin, which merely allows you to
view the stdout from the script in a different buffer. It doesn't allow
you to interact (say you are writing a console based interactive
application for example)  nor does it have all of those other features
I mentioned.

I'm very interested in other people's vim setup for Python coding
however, as I do use vim more than Python these days, mainly because I
have to use it a great deal on headless servers (jEdit would be no good
here of course) and I got fed up with adding artefacts such as
extraneous i's, o's and :w's into my code when working with jEdit ;-)
And it starts faster of course.

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