popen(1-4) as a seperate process

Astan Chee stanc at al.com.au
Fri Nov 17 02:04:30 EST 2006

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Astan Chee wrote:
>> Im trying to popen (or more specifically os.popen4() ) from wxPython. 
>> I've read the documentation on popen and it says I can do a popen as a 
>> seperate process or popen not as a child process
> where does it say that?  afaik, the whole point of the popen API is to 
> run an external process and use pipes to communicate with it.
> </F>
Yes, that is true. But everytime I run a os.popen() it executes as a 
child process of the current running one. How do I launch as a seperate 
Note that I dont care about whatever happens to the seperate process 
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