unpickling Set as set

Gabriel G gabrielg_laburando at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Nov 8 13:27:45 EST 2006

At Wednesday 8/11/2006 05:26, George Sakkis wrote:

>Or you may have this done automatically by hacking the Set class:
>from sets import Set
>import cPickle as pickle
>Set.__reduce__ = lambda self: (set, (self._data,))
>s = Set([1,2,3])
>x = pickle.dumps(s)
>print pickle.loads(x)
>This doesn't work though if you have already pickled the Set before
>replacing its __reduce__, so it may not necessarily be what you want.
>If there is a way around it, I'd like to know it.

Perhaps registering a suitable reduce function in the copy_reg module.
If the sets were pickled alone, and it's not too much trouble, using: 
a_set = set(a_set) just after unpickling may be enough.
And if they were instance attributes, __setstate__ on the class can 
do the conversion.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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