Help! I need a list, not a pointer to it

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Tue Nov 21 18:49:18 EST 2006

At Tuesday 21/11/2006 19:53, Sorin Schwimmer wrote:

>matrix=[[1.0], [0], [0]]
>while j<c:
>   [...modify matrix...]
>   print matrix
>   solutions.append(matrix) # same result with matrix[:]
>print solutions
>[[0], [1.0], [0]]
>[[0], [0], [1.0]]
>[[1.0], [0], [0]]
>[[[1.0], [0], [0]], [[1.0], [0], [0]], [[1.0], [0], [0]]]
>(i.e. the last value of matrix, three times)
>How can I end up with:
>[[0], [1.0], [0]]
>[[0], [0], [1.0]]
>[[1.0], [0], [0]]
>[[[0], [1.0], [0]], [[0], [0], [1.0]], [[1.0], [0], [0]]]
>(i.e. each value of matrix)?

Using matrix[:] gives you a _shallow_ copy of matrix - a new list, 
but its elements (lists themselves) are the original ones.
You may want to use deepcopy() instead (or redesign your algorithm to 
not use those inner lists).

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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