Programming Language that is Spreadsheet/Table Based

Gerard Flanagan grflanagan at
Sat Nov 4 06:09:45 EST 2006

James Stroud wrote:
> Gerard Flanagan wrote:
> >> py> # the following is probably the trickiest, should it return a Table
> >> py> # should it be illegal?
> >> py> # should t['Last'] be the way to take the "slice" and get the col?
> >> py> t[None, 'Last']     # 1d slice returns list (2nd dim. explicit)
> >> ['Barker', 'Burnet', 'Danson', 'Cooper']
> >
> > I can imagine manipulating columns at the Table creation stage -
> > insert, append, delete column - but after that I think you would be
> > dealing with rows more often. Personally, if I needed columns I would
> > be happier with a list comprehension:
> > [ (row['Last'], row['Age']) for row in t ]
> >      etc.
> To make a table from list comprehension in this way seems like it would
> require some redundancy because a list comprehension only gets you a
> list (of rows or lists). It seems if you wanted to work with your 2d
> selection of data, then you would want to get a table back:
> data = [ (row['Last'], row['Age']) for row in t ]
> t2 = Table(('Last','Age'), data)
> This seems, to me, to separates selection in the 2 dimensions and makes
> it "backwards":
> data = [ (row['Last'], row['Age']) for row in t[1:3]]
> t2 = Table(('Last','Age'), data)
> So a function would be needed to group the selection in a way that
> reflects the organization of the table:
> t2 = t.subtable((1,3), ('Last','Age'))
> But then, since the latter seems a natural consequence of using list
> comprehension for selection, how might one distinguish a range of
> columns if not by a verbose function name?
> t2 = t.subtable_with_column_range((1,3), ('Last','Age'))
> The concept of slicing seems to take care of this. Maybe
> t2 = t.subtable(slice(1,3), slice('Last','Age'))
> But this begins to seem awkward and verbose to boot. Any suggestions on
> adapting your idea of list comprehension to generate subtables?

What about symmetric 'load' and 'iterrows' methods for the Table class:

    t2 = Table()
    t2.load( t1.iterrows("LastName", "Age") )

def load(self, iterable):
    '''expecting tuples'''
    for lname, age in iterable:
        self.append( lname, age )

def iterrows(self, *args):
    '''returns a generator which itself returns tuples
      filtered by the column names in *args (via
      operator.itemgetter maybe?)'''

There might be some value in comparing Microsoft's DataSet API.  IIRC,
you typically have:

*UI* - DataView - DataSet - DataAdapter - *DATABASE*

A DataSet is a collection of DataTables and has a lot of DB/XML
functionality and so on.  A DataView on the other hand is more
lightweight and has mainly filtering and sorting functions and is
designed to be bound to a GUI widget such as a DataGrid.

You might have something along the lines of:

   ds = DataSet()
   # fill ds from datasource
   dt_customers = ds.tables["customers"]
   view = DataView( dt_customers )
   view.rowfilter = "lastname LIKE 'A*' and Age < 60"

I'm not saying imitate this, but maybe some value in studying the
OO-bondage approach.

All the best


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