utf - string translation

Dan environ314 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 03:32:53 EST 2006

On 22 nov, 22:59, "John Machin" <sjmac... at lexicon.net> wrote:

> > processes (Vigenère)
> So why do you want to strip off accents? The history of communication
> has several examples of significant difference in meaning caused by
> minute differences in punctuation or accents including one of which you
> may have heard: a will that could be read (in part) as either "a chacun
> d'eux million francs" or "a chacun deux million francs" with the
> remainder to a 3rd party.
of course.
My purpose is not doing something realistic on a cryptographic view.
It's for learning rudiments of programming.
In fact, coding characters is a kind of cryptography I mean, sometimes,
when friends can't read an email because of the characters used...

I wanted to strip off accents because I use the frequences of the
charactacters. If  I only have 26 char, it's more easy to analyse (the
text can be shorter for example)

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