Using Python from Cocoa App via PyObjc - numbers dont match...

sapsi saptarshi.guha at
Wed Nov 8 20:22:58 EST 2006

I managed to create a python class and instantiate that from my
Objective C Cocoa App (its not a python app).
Essentially, i made two classes in IB and then another class(ogle) with
outlets for these two.

Now here is the implementation for ogle.m
    NSNumber *n=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:40.4];

    NSNumber *b=[it2 printNok:n];

The first output in the console is 40.4 and the second

If i change the NSLog(s)  to "%f",[n floatValue] (and the second
likewise) the first is 40.400002 and the second is -40.400002.

Why does this happen?

p.s the python routine printNok, just returns the negative of the
number i.e printNok:

def printNok_(self, obj):
        return -obj

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