profanity on comp.lang.python (was Re: Pyro stability)

Irmen de Jong irmen.NOSPAM at
Wed Nov 8 19:11:36 EST 2006

Jorge Godoy wrote:
> Cliff Wells <cliff at> writes:
>> I think this sums up my point of view as well (although I would have
>> used around 3215 more words to say it). 
> Hmmmm...  Putting this on the discussion of the week: you'd have used
> range(3215) or xrange(3215) more words?  ;-)

Actually I've just replaced a loop in Pyro from using range to using
xrange because of memory issue when you wanted to run it nearly

So there. Finally back on the original subject ;-)

Thanks for the praise about Pyro but yeah, I would have been
equally happy if it was put without using the f word :)



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