Python Parallel Paradigm

Sandy junk.rubbish at
Sat Nov 11 17:46:38 EST 2006

In article <1163276885.609160.163090 at>,
Mythmon at wrote

>Well, I tried that, and it did something. It made it so the space bar
>switched the clock once, but not a second time. And it still crashed,
>but not always at the same time, sometimes it would do it the second
>time I hit the space bar, sometimes before I hit it the first time, but
>always when i did something that would generate a Console event (moving
>the mouse or something). So, I thought it had something to do with
>Console not working well with threads, so I took it completely out of
>threads and had just the event checking loop run by itself, and it
>still crashed. So apparently I am using the Console events wrong. I am
>going to try and find some examples online on how to watch for events
>with it, but if worse comes to worse I can try and use keyboard hooks,
>I've looked at those before, and they might work better.

Dear Pythonauts,

    I usually lurk on the comp.lang.python newsgroup.  I'm not an expert
in the slightest, but I have had a growing feeling that there's
something definitely lacking in the concurrency aspects of Python.  It
is the same problem with Java.  Forgive me if I don't know the right
vocabulary, but Python concurrency seems to be exposed at too "low a
level".  It's like assembler:  it's all _possible_ to implement, but in
practise it's very complicated and fragile, glitchy, and really
difficult to extend.  Like programming in Dartmouth BASIC with just
conditionals and "goto" instructions, before structured programming.

    A higher-level system of concurrency, not based on monitors and
locks and great programmer discipline, will ultimately require making
"Python 3000" a reality.  

    In the meantime, is there anywhere, or any thing, that discusses the
various concurrency options related to Python?  There's Stackless Python
(which I can't make head or tail of; I have been unable to find any
lucid overview, or genuine explanation of the purpose of the design.)  I
know that there's a package for an Erlang system for Python, somewhere
("Parnassus" probably).  There's probably a Py-CSP somewhere too.  Lots
of trees, but where's the Wood?

    Where are concurrency/distributed models compared and discussed?

With kind regards,    

Alexander Anderson <junk.rubbish at>
(Yorkshire, England)

       Where there is no vision, the people perish.

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