SystemError: ... cellobject.c:22: bad argument to internal ?

robert no-spam at
Sat May 13 06:58:10 EDT 2006

 From the trace of a 2.3.5 software i got:

C:\\\\sf\\\\python\\\\dist23\\\\src\\\\Objects\\\\cellobject.c:22: bad 
argument to internal

from the middle of normal function / or its call. What is this?

There is:

but seems to be something else. There is no dynamic addition of 
class-method. But the last function called is a callback function  in 
3rd level inner function of class method like:

class X:
    def a():
      def b():
        def c():...            # breaks with systemerror
        schedule_callback(c)   # -> upon Windows WM_TIMER event

Will there be another bug-fix release of Python 2.3   ?


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