Tkinter: ability to delete widgets from Text and then re-add them

nholtz nholtz at
Fri May 12 14:14:58 EDT 2006

Is there any way to delete a widget (window) from a Text widget, and
then add it back
to the Text, without re-creating the original widget.  For example, I
think I would like to do
something like the following:
from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

textWidget = Text( root )

#### create some widgets
widgets = [ Label( textWidget, text=" Hello World #%d! " % (i,) ) \
            for i in range(3) ]

#### add all of them to Text
for widget in widgets:
    posn = textWidget.index(INSERT)
    textWidget.window_create( posn, window=widget )

#### delete the last one from Text
widget - widgets[-1]
textWidget.delete( posn )  # doesn't delete from children of Text
widget.destroy()      # this doesn't seem to make any diff, but it does
delete from children

#### try to add it again
textWidget.window_create( posn, window=widget )  #### FAILS !!!


That last window_create fails with:

_tkinter.TclError: bad window path name ".1076792812.1076865452"

I woule like to create a number of widget objects, then add / subtract
/ re-add them in
a predicatable order (stack-like)

I'm trying to implement 'Wizard-like' behaviour, but in a single Text
window, where
you step through in small chunks, adding new widgets, but are able to
step backwards
by deleteing them.  I was hoping not to have to re-create the widgets
again when
moving forwards, as I was hoping for an easy way to maintain the state.


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