Zope/Plone developer(s) needed to help build and finalize a fun project.

Nainto Nainto at gmail.com
Wed May 3 07:33:58 EDT 2006

I am the lead developer of MacSuburb.com, a to-be-launched mac
community. Unfortunatly, I am the only developer. If you are interested
in helping please email me or reply with your contact information.
Please leave atleast your email and/or IM name. I can be reached at
zacim at jezajo.org. *Make sure you first read the list below!*

We are looking for someone who...

* is interested in working with me to further develop the existing
MacSuburb software and ready it for the release. There is a lot of
readying to be done.

* knows Python and is familiar with Zope and Plone. We are using Zope
and Plone to build the system on so keep that in mind.

* uses a Mac or is a Mac enthusiast

* Would like to be part of a grea group of people. (As I said, I'm the
lead developer we have writers and other people too)

* Has time to spend developing.

On behalf of the MacSuburb Team, Thanks!

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