IPython team needs a student for a google "Summer of Code" project.

Ville Vainio vivainio at gmail.com
Wed May 3 12:07:23 EDT 2006

This comes in a bit of a hurry (you only have time until next monday to
sign up), but here's the deal:

The next version of ipython (0.7.2, "out soon", pretty much done
already) will include an extension for browsing and manipulating
tabular data (e.g. file name, file size, permissions etc.) called
"ipipe", contributed by Walter Doerwald. See
http://projects.scipy.org/ipython/ipython/wiki/UsingIPipe to get an

The bad news is that, being built on curses, the browser only works on
Linux/posix. That's where you'll step in. We need a similar tabular
browser built on wxPython toolkit (possibly with the Wax wrapper
library). Walter and me have already been accepted as mentors, but we
need someone to do the work. As you probably know, there's money
involved, see http://code.google.com/soc/studentfaq.html. No knowledge
of IPython codebase is necessary (nor will you need to learn it), and
the ipipe module itself is pretty manageable and small. So it's mostly
about implementing new stuff from scratch.

Please contact ipython-dev, me or (preferably) Walter Doerwald
(walter at livinglogic.de) if you are interested, ASAP.

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