Aggregate funuctions broken in MySQLdb?

Wade Leftwich wleftwich at
Sun May 14 12:10:11 EDT 2006

Works fine for me, and I certainly hope MySQLdb is ready for prime
time, because I use the heck out of it. Maybe you're getting fooled by
the fact that cursor.execute() returns the count of result rows. To
actually see the result rows, you have to say cursor.fetchone() or
fetchall() --

In [34]: cur.execute("select article_id from articles limit 10")
Out[34]: 10L

In [35]: cur.fetchall()
Out[35]: ((3L,), (4L,), (5L,), (6L,), (7L,), (8L,), (9L,), (10L,),
(11L,), (12L,))

In [36]: cur.execute("select count(article_id) from articles where
article_id < 13")
Out[36]: 1L

In [37]: cur.fetchall()
Out[37]: ((10L,),)

In [38]: cur.execute("select sum(article_id) from articles where
article_id < 13")
Out[38]: 1L

In [39]: cur.fetchone()
Out[39]: (75.0,)

In [40]: cur.execute("select avg(article_id) from articles where
article_id < 13")
Out[40]: 1L

In [41]: cur.fetchone()
Out[41]: (7.5,)

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