Argument Decorators Enhancement?

birchb at birchb at
Tue May 16 00:42:11 EDT 2006

Guido has proposed a syntax for type annotations in Python-3000.

def foo(x: t1, y: t2) -> t3:

The types are dynamic and there is significant execution of code prior
to the function body being called. Which tends to make the above closer
to a decorator than a static type declaration. That being so, it
occurred to me that perhaps an argument decorator would be more general
and perhaps less restrictive. The example using decorators:

def foo(@T1 x, @t2 y) @ t3:

The compiler would do something like this:

def foo__(x, y):  # original function

def foo(x, y):    # wrapper function
    x = T1.__decarg__(foo_, x)
    y = t2.__decarg__(foo_, y)
    r = foo__(x, y)
    return t3.__decreturn___(foo__, r)

More examples:

def func(@between(1,400) x) @bool :   #  between checks input range

def func(@NotNone x):    #  x must be a real object

def func(@long x) @coerce(float):   # coerce forces type conversion

def func(@sequence s, @function fn) @sequence: # more abstract types

To someone used to reading decorators, the @ character is a flag that
some kind of dynamic magic is being run. So IMHO using @ here too is
consistent with its existing usage.

Argument decorators would be an object (not a function) with methods
corresponding to their usage:

class T1(object):
     def __decarg__(self, function, arg):  # returns arg
     def __decreturn__(self, function, arg):  # returns arg

This will allow existing types to be used if they implement these

def bar(@int x, @float y) @float :

Because this syntax is just a decorator, you could use or abuse it as
you wished.

So you could define and use your own type-checking classes and

def bar(@StrictlyInt x, @DuckCompatibleSequence seq) :

Since the decorator is an *object*, not a function, we could add other
methods for use by IDEs for intellisense etc.

Any views on this? Something to put forward to the python-3000 list

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