Masked arrays

Robert Kern robert.kern at
Wed May 10 14:45:29 EDT 2006

Tommy Grav wrote:
> I am trying to get the flux of a star in an image. I have been using numpy 
> and pyfits and have the code.

You will probably want to ask on numpy-discussion, instead.

> def distance(im,xc,yc):
>     (rows,cols) = im.shape
>     dist = zeros([rows,cols]).astype(Float64)
>     for row in range(rows):
>         for col in range(cols):
>             dist[row,col] = sqrt(((row + 0.5) - yc)**2 + ((col + 0.5) -
> xc)**2)
>     return dist

You will probably want to use numpy.fromfunction() instead.

> def apphot(im,x,y,r):
>     dist = distance(im,x,y)
>     appmask = where(dist <= r,1,0)

You don't have to use where() here. (dist <= r) returns an array of bools, which
are already 1 and 0 (for most purposes).

>     fluxim = where(appmask,im,0)
>     appflux = sum(sum(fluxim))
>     skymask = where(dist > r, 1,0)
>     skyim = where(skymask,im,0)
>     sky = mean(skyim)
>     print skyim
>     print sky
>     return 1
> Output:
>> array (20,20) , type = f, has 400 elements
>> [ 45.89742126, 45.92555847, 45.8874054 , 45.88538208, 45.88244934,
> 45.9353241 ,
>        36.75245361, 29.85816345, 27.53547668, 22.93712311, 22.93178101,
>        22.93699799, 22.91038208, 27.4988739 , 29.84021606, 36.71789551,
>        45.86646729, 45.86741638, 45.85328979, 45.823349  ,]
> where im is a ndarray, x and y are the position of the star and r is 
> the radius of the aperture. I calculate the flux inside the aperture,
> but when I want to calculate the mean of the pixels outside the 
> aperture I run into problems as the pixels values inside the aperture
> is 0 and is still considered in the mean calculation. Is there a way to 
> do this without using masked arrays?

Sure! But ...

> How would I use a masked array
> to do it?

... masked arrays already do the appropriate tasks for you.

In [1]: from numpy import ma

In [2]: ma.average?
Type:           function
Base Class:     <type 'function'>
String Form:    <function average at 0x697ef0>
Namespace:      Interactive
Definition:     ma.average(a, axis=0, weights=None, returned=0)
    average(a, axis=0, weights=None)
    Computes average along indicated axis.
    If axis is None, average over the entire array
    Inputs can be integer or floating types; result is of type float.

    If weights are given, result is sum(a*weights)/(sum(weights)*1.0)
    weights must have a's shape or be the 1-d with length the size
    of a in the given axis.

    If returned, return a tuple: the result and the sum of the weights
    or count of values. Results will have the same shape.

    masked values in the weights will be set to 0.0

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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