Python Eggs Just install in *ONE* place? Easy to uninstall?

Jorge Godoy godoy at
Sat May 6 20:29:02 EDT 2006

seberino at wrote:

> It appears that apps distributed as Python Eggs are either a single
> compressed
> blob in site-packages directory or a directory under site-packages
> directory.
> Is this ALWAYS true?  So by just erasing stuff under site-packages
> I can do a COMPLETE uninstallation of an Egg?

They might have been added to some ".pth" file there as well, so you'd have
to remove the egg reference from it.  Also, they don't need to be installed
only in one place, you can install them somewhere else.

There are uninstall instructions at the documentation:

For other Python Eggs information you might want to check: 

Jorge Godoy      <godoy at>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

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