module confict? gmpy and operator

mensanator at mensanator at
Mon May 22 21:10:26 EDT 2006

##    Holy Mother of Pearl!
##    >>> for i in range(10):
##            for j in range(10):
##                    print '%4d' % (gmpy.mpz(i)*gmpy.mpz(j)),
##            print
##       0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##       0    1    2    3    1    5    6    7    2    9
##       0    2    4    6    2   10   12   14    4   18
##       0    3    6    9    3   15   18   21    6   27
##       0    1    2    3    1    5    6    7    2    9
##       0    5   10   15    5   25   30   35   10   45
##       0    6   12   18    6   30   36   42   12   54
##       0    7   14   21    7   35   42   49   14   63
##       0    2    4    6    2   10   12   14    4   18
##       0    9   18   27    9   45   54   63   18   81

No wonder I couldn't figure out why my program wasn't working,
gmpy mutiplication seems to have stopped working.

My guess is that when I did

    import gmpy
    import random
    import operator

I somehow messed up gmpy's mutilpication. I brought in operator
because I needed to do

    NN = sum(map(operator.__mul__,X,C))

which seemed to work ok. It was later when I got

    8 * 3 = 6        (the 3 was an mpz)

that I got in trouble. So I got rid of operator and did

    def product(a,b): return a*b

    NN = sum(map(product,X,C))

which seems to work ok.

Am I correct that there is a conflict with

    import gmpy
    import operator

Would reversing the import order help or should I just avoid
mixing them?

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