number of different lines in a file

Ben Stroud bens_dev_lists at
Fri May 19 11:22:01 EDT 2006

>It never occured to me to use the Python dict/set approach.  Now I
>wonder if it would've worked better somehow.  Of course my file was
>26,000 X larger than the one in this problem, and definitely would
>not fit in memory.  I suspect that there were as many as a million
>duplicates for some messages in that file.  Would the generator
>version above have helped me out, I wonder?

You could use a dbm file approach which would provide a external 
dict/set interface through Python bindings.  This would use less memory.

1.  Add records to dbm as keys
2.  dbm (if configured correctly) will only keep unique keys
3.  Count keys


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