John Bokma harassment

ilitzroth at ilitzroth at
Tue May 30 05:36:28 EDT 2006

>Your first question should be: Is it alright that Xah harasses 5
>newsgroups? Or maybe work on your spelling, harass is with one r, but
>maybe you didn't read the subject, which wouldn't amaze me, since you
>sound like you should be spending time on MySpace OMG!.

Dear John,
Should I ask myself the question about Xah first, or work on my
I knew har*ass it had 1 or more r's in it but I couldn't figure out the
exact number.
That makes me suspect my spelling is good enough and I should dive
right into the
Xah issue. What do you think John?
I don't get the MySpace OMG reference, but rest assured John, you are
still my favorite
newsnet nazi. I know you have been feeling pretty insecure about this
Xah fellow, but
you know that is just silly, don't you?
Yours truly

P.S Do not hesitate to comment on form, spelling or style of this
message. I am always
eager to learn.

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