segmentation fault in scipy?

Robert Kern robert.kern at
Thu May 11 16:02:08 EDT 2006

py_genetic wrote:
>>No! matrix objects use matrix multiplication for *. You seem to need elementwise
> No! when you mult a vector with itself transposed, the diagonal of the
> resulting matrix is the squares of each error (albeit you do a lot of
> extra calc), then sum the squares, ie trace().  Its a nifty trick, if
> you don't have too much data 25000x25000 matrix in mem and youre using
> matricies ie. batch learning.  The actual equation includes multiply by
> 1/2*(sum of the squares),  but mean squared error can be more telling
> about error and cross entropy is even better, becuase it tells you how
> well youre predicting the posterior probabilies...

Now I'm even more confused. What kind of array is "error" here? First you tell
me it's a (25000, 80) array and now you are telling me it is a (25000,) array.

Once you've defined what "error" is, then please tell me what the quantity is
that you want to calculate. I think I told you several different wrong things,
previously, based on wrong assumptions.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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