Newbie question on code vetting

Anders J. Munch 2006 at
Sun May 7 07:25:51 EDT 2006

william.boquist at wrote:
> As it is now,
> one is pretty much left to rummage around on project web sites trying to get
> a gut feel for what is going on. Asking the higher-ups at work to reach
> technology management decisions based on my gut feel is an uphill climb. 

So what you need is a document that more or less formalises what you
already know from rummaging around.

The place for such a document would be the meta-PEP section at

If the information you seek is in none of the existing meta-PEPs, that's
probably because noone has yet felt the need for such a document bad
enough to make the effort and write one.  Until you came along, that is.
So why don't you write a new PEP (or suggest changes to an existing
PEP) with the information you need?  You may not have all the answers,
but if you have good questions that's a pretty good start.

 From an earlier post:
> Is there any use of tools like BlackDuck ProtexIP or the
> competing Palamida product to scan for matches to code that is already
> licensed elsewhere?

If you have access to such tools, why don't you just scan the CPython
sources yourself?  And make the results available to the community, of

- Anders

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