image reduction script

Philippe Martin pmartin at
Sun Mar 26 15:49:17 EST 2006

Kamilche wrote:

> Be sure and use mode = P instead of RGB, like you have in your other
> code. P is for palettized images. Don't palettize if you're storing as
> JPG, only if you're storing as PNG or some other format that can handle
> 256 color images.

My problem is this:

1) If I use a save to jpg after a convert('P') I get an exception (what you
are refering to I assume)
2) If I use a save to png (I start with a jpg), then the (X,Y) size of the
output is much smaller than convert('RGB') and save to jpg - (and I want to
opposit: as small as possible in byte size and as large as possible in
(X,Y)  ):

***********convert('P') save to PNG
/home/philippe/tmp/tmprpdfEO is a 65x87 Raw PPM image with 256 levels
  Default gamma for ITRUE image is  1.00
  Building XImage...done
  Have adjusted image from 1.00 to display gamma of 2.20

***********convert('RGB') save to JPG
/home/philippe/tmp/tmpYCLrQR is a 173x231 Raw PPM image with 256 levels
  Default gamma for ITRUE image is  1.00
  Building XImage...done
  Have adjusted image from 1.00 to display gamma of 2.20


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