Xah's Edu Corner: The Concepts and Confusions of Pre-fix, In-fix, Post-fix and Fully Functional Notations

Timo Stamm timo.stamm at arcor.de
Fri Mar 17 09:29:49 EST 2006

axel at white-eagle.invalid.uk schrieb:
> In comp.lang.perl.misc Timo Stamm <timo.stamm at arcor.de> wrote:
>> Other charsets than US-ASCII are widely accepted in non-english 
>> newsgroups as long as the charset is properly declared.
>> Xah's posting was properly encoded and will display fine in every decent 
>> newsreader.
> It is not just the question of the newsreader, it is also a question of whether
> the character set/font being used is capable of displaying the characters
> concerned. 

A character set doesn't display characters, it specifies the coupling of 
a character (grapheme) and its representation in a data format (number).

Because the specification of internet text messages only allows 7 bit 
ASCII, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions have been introduced. They 
define, for example, the quoted-printable transfer encoding.

Xah's posting properly declared a quoted-printable transfer encoding and 
the UTF-8 charset. There were no unspecified characters in the message, 
it was absolutely adhering to the recognized standards.

If this message doesn't display properly on your system - because your 
newsreader doesn't know how to decode quoted printable or because your 
operating system lacks a font to display the characters, this may be a 
problem. But it's your newsreader or your OS that is broken or not up to 

BTW, the newsreader you are using should handle the posting fine.


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