doctest, unittest, or if __name__='__main__'

Jay Parlar jparlar at
Tue Mar 21 19:30:41 EST 2006

On Mar 21, 2006, at 1:12 PM, Fredrik wrote:

>> (I notice there's no mention in PEP 3000 of deprecating
>> the doctest module).
> why is it that comp.lang.python is suddenly full of folks who
> want to deprecate anything they don't understand ?  don't
> you have better things to do with your time ?

I've wondered the same sort of thing for awhile. It often comes back to 
people taking ideas from whatever language they're familiar with, and 
trying to force them into Python.

The reason for this, as I see it, is that Python is so incredibly easy 
to get into, that many people think they fully understand it after a 
few days use.

Jay P.

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