Confused by Method(function) of a module and method of aclass/instance

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Tue Mar 7 01:52:06 EST 2006

"Sullivan WxPyQtKinter" <sullivanz.pku at> wrote:

> In python, these expression seems yields the same result:
> inputstring='ABC'
> print inputstring.lower()
> print lower(inputstring)
> print string.lower(inputstring)
> result:
> abc
> abc
> abc

I get

>>> inputstring="ABC"
>>> print inputstring.lower()
>>> lower(inputstring)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'lower' is not defined
>>> string.lower(inputstring)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'string' is not defined

> Question:
> Is the method lower() just a method for the inputstring instance( an
> instrance object of a string class object), or a function in the module
> or a build-in function or sth else?

inputstring.lower() refers to the method "lower" of the "inputstring"

string.lower() refers to the function "lower" in the "string" module.

what "lower" refers to isn't clear, but I assume that you've done "from
string import *" or something like that earlier on, which means that it's
just an alias for the function "lower" in the "string" module.

> Why do the three expression yield the same result "abc"?

because the lower method and the lower function and the string.lower
function happens to do the same thing ?

that doesn't mean that all methods/functions with the same name do
the same thing, of course: shutil.copy() and dict().copy() are two en-
tirely different things, for example.


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