Good thread pool module

Kinsley Turner kingsleyturner at
Wed Mar 22 18:12:13 EST 2006

> There isn't a thread pool module in the standard library, but I'm sure 
> many have been written by people in the python community.
> Anyone have a favorite? Is there one particular implementation that's 
> recommended?
> Not looking for anything fancy, just something that lets me queue up 
> tasks to be performed by a pool of threads and then retrieve results 
> when the tasks complete.

I wrote this one the other day, it doesn't save the results though.
You could probably just add to an output queue at the end of
threadFunction().  It was designed to handle short-running HTTP requests,
not larger jobs, this is reflected in the probablyIdle().

Use it like this:


def greet(times):
    for i in range(times):
        print "Hello World"

pool = ThreadPool(64)

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import Queue
import thread

class ThreadPool:
    "A pool of worker threads, efficiently waiting for a task" 
    def __init__(self,max=0):
        self.queue         = Queue.Queue()
        self.threads       = []
        self.stopping      = False
        self.max_threads   = 16

        if (max > 0):
            self.max_threads = max

        ### Start the threads up, waiting on the empty Queue
        for i in range(self.max_threads):

    def addJob(self,function,*args,**kwargs):

    def threadFunction(self):
        while (not self.stopping):
            task = self.queue.get(True)
            if (task != None):
                function,args,kwargs = task
    def probablyIdle(self):
        return self.queue.empty()

    def getApproximateQueueSize(self):
        return self.queue.qsize()

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