Looking for a language/framework

akameswaran at gmail.com akameswaran at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 14:22:57 EST 2006

As far as languages go, Python seems a far better choice than php or
perl based solutions.  I haven't tried Ruby - so I can't comment.

The Zope framework for python has been remarkably productive for me
both with and wtihout plone(CMF modules and a look and feel on top of
Zope).  The documentation is improving, but I can's say the situation
is good.  In truth, Zope knowledge is zope specific (at least I haven't
found it useful) and it was a bit of a transition coming from a j2ee

I didn't find the learning curve to be very steep, but the path is
covered in brambles - haha.  Mostly due to the fast pace of

btw, I am not a zope person or a plone, person - I  have however used
both solutions to develop  some pretty nifty sites faster than anything
else I have used.  Even through the "gettting to know you phase"  So
I'm a pretty big fan.  That being said, Zope is it's own universe of
ideas, and a lot of them seem "odd".    As far as hosting, I also know
where Zope/Plone hosting from 7.95 a month - although the host doesn't
list it on their ads, they do use and host it.

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