Pythons (undefined) Practical Atoms ? - Re: "RuntimeError: dictionary changed ...

robert no-spam at
Sun Mar 12 06:12:18 EST 2006

Alex Martelli wrote:

> robert <no-spam at> wrote:
>    ...
>>What? When I add/del an item to a dict or list, this is not an atomic
>>thread-safe operation?
> Exactly: there is no such guarantee in the Python language.
>>One thread does things like  d['x']='y'
>>Another thread reads d['z'] or sets  d['z']='w' or dels something.
>>If those operations are not atomic, then you'd have to use locks all the
>>time to not get RuntimeErrors and worse !?
> If you want to be writing correct Python, yes. A preferred approach is
> to simply avoid sharing objects among threads, except for objects
> designed to be thread-safe (chiefly Queue.Queue).

I don't know the Python language (non?-)definition about this. But the 
day, that will be a requirement in the Python implementation, I'll put 
the last Python in a safe :-)  ( ..and rethink my bad opinion about Ruby )

For example hundreds of things like sre._cache  and tenthousands of 
common global variables are shared "thread safe" in the standard lib 
whithout locks.

;-)  They never will change any Python implementation and do the work to 
put millions of lock.acquire()'s into the standard lib...

>>Infact I rely on that all the time and standard python modules also do
>>so AFAIK
> You're relying on an accident of a specific, particular implementation;
> if any Python-coded standard library module does likewise, and I'm not
> aware of any, that's somewhat different (since that module is PART of
> the implementation, it may rely on all kinds of implementation details,
> correctly if maybe not wisely). The situation is quite different for
> C-coded modules in the CPython implementation, Java-coded ones in the
> Jython one, C#-coded one in the IronPython one; each of these is subject
> to specific constraints that it's perfectly wise to rely on (since each
> implementation, as the language specification fully allows it to do,
> adopts a different locking strategy at these low levels).

the other implementations whould also have a hard time to rewrite the 
standard lib.
Python byte code is kind of "defined" and always interpreted similar and..

 >>> d={'a':1}
 >>> def f():
... 	print d['a']
... 	print d.keys()
... 	d['b']=2
 >>> dis.disassemble(f.func_code)
   2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (d)
               3 LOAD_CONST               1 ('a')
               6 BINARY_SUBSCR
               7 PRINT_ITEM
               8 PRINT_NEWLINE

   3           9 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (d)
              12 LOAD_ATTR                1 (keys)
              15 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              18 PRINT_ITEM
              19 PRINT_NEWLINE

   4          20 LOAD_CONST               2 (2)
              23 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (d)
              26 LOAD_CONST               3 ('b')
              29 STORE_SUBSCR
              30 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              33 RETURN_VALUE

..things like LOAD_CONST / STORE_SUBSCR will be atomic as long as there 
is a GIL or at least a GIL during execution of one byte code. No 
threaded script language can reasonably afford to have thread-switching 
open down to native microprocessor execution atoms.

>>I think cPickle has not necessarily to iterate free over native dicts.
> It's not forced to by language specification, but neither is it
> forbidden. It would be an absurd implementation strategy to waste time
> and space to extract a dict's keys() first, as it would NOT buy
> "atomicity" anyway -- what if some other thread deletes keys while
> you're looping, or calls any nonatomic method on the very value you're
> in the process of serializing?!

First I look at the practical requirement: I have the threads and the 
fast object tree and the need to autosave in this process. And don't 
want to lock everywhere any dict-access to the tree just because of the 
autosave (for app-reasons I need only a handful of locks so far). And I 
don't want to use a slow & overkill method like ZODB.

One clean method (A) in order to stay practical would be possible if a 
global lock for Python treading would be offered by the thread-lib as 
described in <duvp5e$2rpm$1 at>

The other method (B), (that I believed to use so far) is to have a 
little discipline, but no need for massive trivial locking:
* add complex objects to the hot tree only if the objects are 
* don't do nasty things on removed complex objects; just forget them as 
* most attribute changes are already app-atomic; the overall majority of 
operations is read-only access anyway - both regarding the number of 
executions and the amount of source code (that is 99% the reason for 
using this "disciplined" method in threaded apps)
* case of non-atomic attribute changes, create a new appropriate 
top object with compound changes (same logic as in fact you have, when 
you use ZODB) and replace the whole top object in one step. Or use locks 
in rare cases.

Now a practical "autosave" method in my app could fit to such practical 
disciplined method ( or not :-( ).

And there is reason, why the Python standard lib should at least offer 
one "disciplined" method to sample-copy such object tree, despite of 
threads. There is no need get an "arbitray-Python-atomic" copy of the 
whole tree (which would require (A)). The app itself respects the 
discipline for "app-atomicity" if I use things in this way.

Its a true practical standard requirement: Just a method with no 

Thus it is useful to have a deepcopy and/or cPickle.dump which does not 

Is current dict.copy() exposed to this Runtime Error? AFAIK: not.
In that case copy.copy() respects "the disciplin", but deepcopy & dump 
not, because of use of .iteritems(). And most probably it worked before 
py2.2 as I got no such errors with that app in those times.

The argument for the cost of dict.keys() - I guess it does nearly not 
even pay off in terms of speed. It could better stay disciplined in 
those few critical locations like in dump and deepcopy which are 
supposed to double much more and expensive things anyway. Its a weak 
O(1) issue.

So far, its simple: I'd have to write my own dump or deepcopy after 
Python changes, because of new "fun" with RuntimeErrors !

At least an alternate Runtime-Save version of deepcopy/dump would fit 
into a practical Python, if the defaults cannot be keept flat.

> In some Python implementations, a C-coded module may count on some
> atomicity as long as it doesn't explicitly allow other threads nor ever
> call back into ANY python-coded part, but obviously cpickle cannot avoid
> doing that, so even in those implementations it will never be atomic.

The degree of atomicity defines the degree of usability for programming 
ideas. And that should not be lowered as it makes thread programming in 
VHL script languages so practical, when you just can do most things like 
d['a']='b' without thread worries.

There is no theoretical treshold in a practical (=connected) world:

Each OS and ASM/C level relies on CPU-time- & memory-atoms. In fact, 
otherwise, without such atoms, digital "platonic" computers could not 
interfer with the "threaded" reality at all. That is a 
_natural_requirement_ of "ideas" to _definitely_ be "atomic".
The CPU bit x clocktick is defined now by ~1.8eV/kT in the real world => 
no computing error within 10^20 years.

( Only something like biological neuro-brains or analogical computers 
can offer more of "free threading". But believe me, even the neuro- and 
quantum-threading respects the Plank-h-quantum: the time-resolution of 
"thread-interaction" is limited by energy restrictions and light speed )

If Python really has not yet defined its time-atoms, that should go on 
the To-Do list ASAP. At worst, its atoms are that of ASM - I hope its 

>>Whats does copy/deepcopy/[:] ?
> Roughly the same situation.
> If as you indicate you want to stick with a Python-like language but do
> not want to change your style to make it correct Python, you could
> perhaps fork the implementation into an "AtomicPython" in which you
> somehow fix all nonatomicities (not sure how that would even be possible
> if pickling, deepcopying or anything else ever needs to fork into Python
> coded parts, but perhaps you might make the GIL into a reentrant lock
> and somehow hack it to work, with some constraints). Or perhaps you
> might be able to write an extension containing atomicset, atomicget,
> atomicpickle, and other operations you feel you need to be atomic (again
> barring the difficulties due to possible callbacks into Python) and use
> those instead of bare Python primitives.

Each Python _is_ an AtomicPython. And that sets its VHL value. Maybe, it 
just doesn't know itself sofar?

I asked maybe for a _big_ practical atom, and now have to make it 
myself, because Python became smaller :-)

The practical problem is: You must rely on and know deeply the real 
atoms of Python and the lib in order to know how much atoms/locks you 
have to ensure on your own.
At a certain level, Python would loose its value. This 
disciplined-threading/dump/deepcopy issue here is of course somewhat 
discussable on the upper region of VHL. (I certainly like that direction)

But, what you sketch here on the far other side about 
take-care-about-all-dicts-in-future-Python-threads is the door to the 
underworld and is certainly a plan for a Non-Python.

"take care for everything" is in fact an excuse for heading towards low 
level in the future. (Ruby for example has in many ways more "greed" 
towards the low level and to "aritrary fun" - too much for me - and 
without offering more real power)

Python evolution was mostly ok and careful. But it should be taken care 
that not too much negative ghosts break VHL atoms:

One such ghost went into _deepcopy_dict/dump (for little LL speed 
issues). Other ghosts broke rexec ( a nice "Atom" which i miss very much 
now ), ...

A function for locking python threading globally in the thread module 
would be kind of a practical "hammer" to maintain VHL code in deliberate 
key cases. (Similar as you do 'cli' in device driver code, but for a 
python process.)
For example: "I know as programmer, if I can afford to lock app threads 
during a small multi-attribute change or even during .deepcopy etc.; The 
cost for this is less than the need to spread individual locks massively 
over the whole treaded app."
For example socket.getaddrinfo does this unforeseeable for all 
app-thread for minutes (!) in bad cases internally on OS-level anyway.

Python should name its Atoms.


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