Queue limitations?

mateom at gmail.com mateom at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 11:27:51 EST 2006


I'm using Queue to send images from one thread to another, and some of
the images are not appearing in the consumer thread....maybe 1 in 3
arrive. I've tried passing the image data in both string form and as a
PIL Image object, with the same result.

It does work, however, if I use zlib to compress the image string
before passing it to Queue and then decompress it in the consumer
thread. So, my question: Does Queue have some capacity limitation?
(Uncompressed, my images are 786432 long... 512x512x3)

Here's a bit of the code:

# Producer --------
img = rayCaster.ReadTexture()
#iq.put(zlib.compress(img))     #this works fine

# End producer

# Consumer --------
class imageQueue(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self):
        self.filenum = 0
        self.theQueue = Queue.Queue(-1)

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            # for testing, do something simple with images
            img = self.theQueue.get()
            imgt = Image.frombuffer('RGB',(512,512), img)
            #imgt = Image.frombuffer('RGB',(512,512),
zlib.decompress(img)) #this one works
            imgt.save( "./imgs_out/%i.png" % self.filenum, "PNG")
            self.filenum += 1

    def SetQueue(self, q_):
        self.theQueue = q_

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