Why I chose Python over Ruby

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 5 11:16:12 EST 2006

Francois <florasol at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Since I did a lot of work in Scheme, rigor and consistency are most
> important to me, and Python certainly meets this requirement.

It does pretty well, with some tempering of pragmatism -- but, to play
devil's advocate, Ruby isn't far in this respect. In either case, you
will find more rigor and consistency in good languages of a more
academic bent, such as Haskell, but will surely find a lot in either
Ruby or Python.

The trick about distinguishing a name's exact nature based on whether
the compiler sees an assignment to that name in some part of code is
found in both languages, albeit in different ways. In Ruby, as you've
pointed out, it's the heuristic used to disambiguate local variable
access from zero-argument method calls, and the "part of code" is the
function up to the point of access. In Python, it's used to disambiguate
local from global or free variables, and the "part of code" is the body
of the whole function (Ruby does not need to make this latter
distinction because it strops global names with a leading sigil -- $a is
always the global variable a, just like @a is always the instance
attribute a, which we'd write self.a in Python). Another subtle case in
Ruby is whether an assignment such as a=23 _within a block_ is meant to
be local to the block or meant to rebind local name 'a' within the
enclosing function; again, the heuristic is similar, depending only on
whether the compiler had seen another assignment to a before it saw the
block (Python forbids the rebinding of variables coming from an
enclosing but non-global scope, to avoid facing this issue).

All in all, Python is more likely with these heuristics to respect the
principles (from the "zen of python", import this at an interactive
prompt): in face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess; errors
should not pass silently, unless explicitly silenced. I.e., any Python
code which accidentally runs afoul of these heuristics is likely to
raise an exception, alerting you to the situation. Ruby strives rather
for a "do what I mean" ethos, and obviously some people prefer that.

I also share your preference for a single namespace for callable and
non-callable values, as in Python (and Scheme, Lisp, C++, ...), rather
than disjoint namespaces as in Ruby (and Smalltalk), but I do not see it
as a question of rigor and consistency at all -- e.g., I do not perceive
Smalltalk as less rigorous or consistent than C++, on the contrary.

So, I agree with your choice, and I think I understand your motivations,
but I do not entirely share your motivations, personally speaking.


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