operator creation?

Gerardo Herzig gherzig at fmed.uba.ar
Fri Mar 10 09:51:52 EST 2006

Hi all. Ill try to explain mi situation:
Lets say i have an DB object, who implements the querys to the database
trough a method called DBObject.doQuery.

On the other hand, i have 50 sql functions stored in the database. So i
can call DBObject.doQuery('select * from my_sql_function()')...Ok, what
do i want to achieve, is some mecanism to be able to call

DBObject.my_sql_function(), but without actually having to declare the
method called "my_sql_function". May be with creating a `->' operator...
maybe overrwriting the '.' operator...

Im not shure. If someone understand my problem (and my poor english),
please help :)


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