Learning different languages

Chris Smith smitty_one_each at bigfoot.com
Wed Mar 8 05:44:42 EST 2006

>>>>> "Rich" == Rich  <rich at addr.invalid> writes:

    Rich> Hi,

    Rich> (this is a probably a bit OT here, but comp.lang seems
    Rich> rather desolated, so I'm not sure I would get an answer
    Rich> there. And right now I'm in the middle of learning Python
    Rich> anyway so...)

    Rich> Anyway, my question is: what experience you people have with
    Rich> working with different languages at the same time?

I think it's akin to speaking multiple human languages.
I find, in the web context, that multiple languages help to understand
where stuff happens.
If it's JavaScript, it's happening in the browser.
If it's (other scripting language), it's on the web server.
If it's SQL, it's on the database server.
I realize that there are other configuration possibilities,
e.g. JavaScript on the web server.

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