Python Evangelism

Ant antroy at
Fri Mar 10 05:31:16 EST 2006

> It's not too late to rename the cheese shop though.
> (We don't need even more stink...)

What kind of cheese do you guys eat anyway ;-)

It's not the names that are the problem as far as markleing goes - they
are not dull names, which means they won't be forgotten. This is a good
thing! As is the humour - who amongst  us are going to forget where the
repository for community projects are? Unlike RubyJewels, RubyBaubles
or whatever ;-)

As long as the names are memorable, marketing isn't an issue if it
want's to be done. For example the famous British inventors Wallace and
Gromit could be asked to endorse Python, ("Look Gromit - a Cheese
shop!"). And there is a successful web-based credit card called an Egg

A Python is a good powerful image to have associated with the language.
What does Ruby say? That the language is pretty? And Perl? Misleading
advertising there then ;-) Ever seen a Python? Powerful, elegant, and
can digest just about anything you can feed it... good image I reckon!

I'm obviously not suggesting we do such a thing, just pointing out a
couple of things:

1) There's nothing wrong with the names we've got.
2) Some people on this newsgroup need to clean their fridges out more


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