wired md5 hashing problem

Paul Rubin http
Sun Mar 26 15:30:22 EST 2006

Matthias Güntert <MatzeGuentert at gmx.de> writes:
> i am in the process of writing a python script to backup my data. Now I
> would like to implement md5/sha1 hashes.  

Try editing as follows: change

>         f = open(fname, "rb")
>         while 1:
>             block = f.read(1024*1024)
>             if not block:
>                 break
>             # generate the hash
>             m.update(block)
>         f.close()


         f = open(fname, "rb")
         nbytes = 0
         while 1:
             block = f.read(1024*1024)
             nbytes += len(block)
             if not block:
             # generate the hash
         print '%d bytes processed'

As Adam DePrince noticed, the md5 checksum you generated was that of
an empty file.  So the above should tell you whether you're actually
processing any input; if you don't get the expected number of bytes,
debug from there.

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