PIL & image size reduction script

Philippe Martin pmartin at snakecard.com
Sun Mar 26 13:09:15 EST 2006


Thanks to the NG, I got the script hereunder working.

1) I am not certain that the call to convert does much (checking the doc)
2) Can this be improved as far as the final image size in (X,Y) ?

For instance, passing a large .jpg with a target byte size of 7000, I get
final (X,Y) results around (213, 174) ... but might want to strech it a bit
while keeping the byte size.



  def Image_Reduce(self, p_filename, p_size):
    BASE_SIZE = 400.0
    l_im = Image.open(p_filename)

    l_size = l_im.size

    if l_size[0] > l_size[1]:
      l_ratio = BASE_SIZE / l_size[0] 
      l_x_size = l_ratio * l_size[0]
      l_y_size = l_ratio * l_size[1]
      l_ratio = BASE_SIZE / l_size[1] 
      l_x_size = l_ratio * l_size[0]
      l_y_size = l_ratio * l_size[1]

#    l_im.show()
    l_image = l_im.resize( (l_x_size, l_y_size))
    l_image = l_image.convert(mode="RGB", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)

    l_done = False

    l_tmp_file_name = 'sc_tmp_file.jpg'

    while False == l_done:
      l_st = os.stat(l_tmp_file_name)
      print 'HERE ', l_st
      if p_size < l_st[6]:

        l_ratio -= 0.005
        print 'NEW RATIO = ', l_ratio
        l_x_size = l_ratio * l_size[0]
        l_y_size = l_ratio * l_size[1]
        l_image = l_im.resize( (l_x_size, l_y_size))
        l_done = True
    print l_image.size

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