Absolute noob to Linux programming needs language choice help

Cameron Laird claird at lairds.us
Sun Jun 25 22:57:08 EDT 2006

In article <rj9u92hscl5cuq62avr7v29gt746gckts3 at 4ax.com>,
Tim Roberts  <timr at probo.com> wrote:
>claird at lairds.us (Cameron Laird) wrote:
>>Tcl's maturity advantage is tiny--*maybe* two years.  Both began at
>>the end of the '80s.  There've been close to two decades since to
>>obscure any initial leads.
>The difference is more significant than that.  Tcl started in 1987, but
>Python's history doesn't begin until the early 1990s, unless you're
>counting ABC as well.
We agree it was ambiguous.  It was only in 1988 that John Ousterhout
started *using* Tcl, and '89 when he first gave source to early adopters
<URL: http://wiki.tcl.tk/1721 >.  

Both Tcl and Python have covered a LOT of territory since then.

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