for and while loops

Simon Forman rogue_pedro at
Wed Jun 28 18:46:45 EDT 2006

kydavis77 at wrote:
> i was wondering if anyone could point me to some good reading about the
> for and while loops
> i am trying to write some programs
> "Exercise 1
> Write a program that continually reads in numbers from the user and
> adds them together until the sum reaches 100. Write another program
> that reads 100 numbers from the user and prints out the sum. "
> but im not quite grasping those functions..
> please bear im mind i am an extreme newbie at this...thanks in advance

while loops test a condition every time through the loop and keep
running as long as it's true.

for loops run through a finite (usually) set of things and do something
"for" each thing.

Check out one or more python tutorials such as (and especially this part,  a quick search an google can
turn up more.

(Hint:  you're probably gonna want to use a while loop for the first
program and a for loop for the second.)

Hope that helps,

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