Opening an editor for interactive use

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Fri Jun 16 15:11:59 EDT 2006

"Webb" wrote:

> (I am sure there is a recipe somewhere, but I can't find it.)  How does
> one open an editor while in the middle of an interactive program, let
> the user do some editing and closing, and then capture the text that
> was edited?  I am reminded of subversion or CVS when they open an
> $EDITOR session for the check-in log entry.
> I tried os.popen, but it fired off vim in the background--not useful.
> Then I tried os.system, but that only returns the return code (126 in
> my case) after you close the editor.  Perhaps I need to write to a file
> and read it

that's exactly how it's done in subversion and cvs, of course.


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