smtplib problem for newbie

Noah Gift at
Thu Jun 22 08:13:08 EDT 2006


I am writing a few different scripts that need to send email
confirmation and I wanted to use smtplib instead of cheating and using
os.system('mail -s "foo"....)  Some of the examples I have seen don't
seem to work for me.  (Note, I am new to Python and probably doing
something stupid...thanks :) )  Here is one I grabbed

import smtplib
import string, sys

HOST = "localhost"

FROM = "effbot at spam.egg"
TO = "fredrik at spam.egg"

SUBJECT = "for your information!"

BODY = "next week: how to fling an otter"

body = string.join((
    "From: %s" % FROM,
    "To: %s" % TO,
    "Subject: %s" % SUBJECT,
    BODY), "\r\n")

print body

server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST)
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], body)

If I change this to suit my needs it looks like this:

import smtplib
import string, sys

HOST = "localhost"

FROM = "johny.carson at"
TO = " at"

SUBJECT = "for your information!"

BODY = "next week: how to fling an otter"

body = string.join((
    "From: %s" % FROM,
    "To: %s" % TO,
    "Subject: %s" % SUBJECT,
    BODY), "\r\n")

print body

server = smtplib.SMTP(HOST)
server.sendmail(FROM, [TO], body)

When I run it I get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 2, in ?
    import smtplib
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/", line 49, in ?
    from email.base64MIME import encode as encode_base64
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/email/", line 28, in ?
    from email.Utils import fix_eols
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/email/", line 10, in ?
    import random
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/", line 818, in ?
    _inst = Random()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/", line 87, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/", line 100, in seed
    a = long(time.time() * 256) # use fractional seconds
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

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