Xah Lee network abuse

Mike Schilling mscottschilling at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 11 11:04:58 EDT 2006

"Erik Max Francis" <max at alcyone.com> wrote in message 
news:qKmdnUvjhOZZKRbZnZ2dnUVZ_r-dnZ2d at speakeasy.net...
> Mike Schilling wrote:
>> If I were to write, say, that Tony Blair's tax policy will lead to higher 
>> deficits, I could be convicted of libel?  Even if that's true, it's not a 
>> priori provable.
> I think what he was getting at is that, unlike many jurisdictions, writing 
> something factually true is _not_ in and of itself a defense against a 
> libel suit in the UK.
> As for the reverse side of the issue, in jurisdictions where it _is_ a 
> defense, if one were to accuse him of being a pedophile but couldn't prove 
> it, that would certainly be an actionable offense.

In the U.S, for instance, you wouldn't have to prove it.  It would be 
sufficent to demonstrate that there's enough evidence supporting it that you 
weren't reckless in writing it. 

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