map() return of flat tuple list

Mirco Wahab wahab at
Thu Jun 22 17:48:09 EDT 2006


I have a 2D array,
maybe irregular, like

arr = [[2,2,2,2],

if tried to pull an index list
(tuples or array elements) of
all positions - via the map funtion,
but failed.

I tried to get sth. like
for each element which really exists
in the 2D array above.

What I really got, was another in-
direction for each row of arr
 [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)],
 [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)],

How can I flatten the list in place by map(),
so that the outer map hull would collect
[i,j] flat?

This is what I tried:

id = map(lambda i: map(lambda j: (i,j), range(len(arr[i]))), range(len(arr)))
print id

I tried the map solution because I'd make a
shot at another posting (find min of 2D array),
what I intended to solve by decorate/undecorate

But I didn't manage to create the flat
coordinate list in one map(map)-stroke ;-)



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