Can Python format long integer 123456789 to 12,3456,789 ?

james.wondrasek at james.wondrasek at
Thu Jun 1 20:13:47 EDT 2006

A.M wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any built in feature in Python that can format long integer
> 123456789 to 12,3456,789 ?
> Thank you,
> Alan

I did this for putting commas into monetary amounts (thus the .2f):

def commas(value):
        return "".join(commafy("%.2f" % value))

def commafy(s):
        pieces = s.split(".")
        l = len(pieces[0])
        for i in range(0,l):
                if (l - i) % 3 or not i:
                        yield pieces[0][i]
                        yield ","
                        yield pieces[0][i]
        if len(pieces) > 1:
                yield "." + pieces[1]


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